Take the Kickstart Kit quiz

How many steps have you completed in the construction process? Mark the checkpoints you've done below. Once you've submitted the tasks you've completed, we'll analyze your responses to determine where you are on the construction journey, and then we'll send you an email with the next steps.

Construction comes with challenges and uncertainties. With more than a decade of experience in the industry, we’ve learned the necessary steps to avoid roadblocks and wrong turns. This is the map we follow to ensure the success of your project, custom-tailored to your needs. Wherever you are on your journey, we can step in to help get you to the finish line.

0. Catalyst consultation

At this free consultation, we’ll get to know each other and learn about your project. If you’re stalled, we’ll find out how you got stuck in the first place. You may not have all the answers but that’s why we’re meeting — we have the experience you need to get your project to the finish line. After our conversation, we’ll present our professional recommendations to you and your team so you know how to proceed. 

Your checkpoints:

1. Preliminary planning

When you’re mission-driven, some ideas are ride or die. But we only advise getting into a vehicle that has been thoroughly inspected and is sound for the journey you’re about to embark on. Our team of experienced analysts and engineers will help you determine whether your plan has a dead-end ahead or if it’s actually possible and practical to proceed based on your objectives. 

Your checkpoints:

2. Due diligence & design

Next, we’ll do a more rigorous review of the financial feasibility, legalities, and other key factors that could impact your project. Catching potential areas of concern early on means you can avoid costly frustrations and delays down the road. 

Your checkpoints:

3. Development preparations

We’re nearly ready to put the pedal to the metal and start construction but before that can happen, there are a few loose ends still to be secured. We’ll triple-check that everything is accounted for and on track.  

Your checkpoints:

4. Construction & pre-operation

Let the building begin! With a solid foundation supporting your project on the backend and with careful control over the construction process, the project should go off without a hitch from here on out. 

Your checkpoints:

5. Ongoing operations

With construction complete, it’s time to reflect on what worked well and make plans for challenges and opportunities still to come. We help you make sure everything stays shipshape. 

Your checkpoints:

Submit your checkpoints

Thanks for taking the time to fill out the Kickstart Kit quiz. Please enter your name and email address below and click Submit. Once we've reviewed your responses, we'll send you an email you about the next steps.

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Your responses have been received. Please give us two working days to review your list of completed tasks. We will send you an email with the next steps once we have a handle of where you are in the construction process.

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